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Why don't my datum axis disply in drawing?


New member
I have two axis I've created (tried in both part and assy mode) and want them to display in the drawing so I can dimension to them. Problem is they don't show up in drawing mode. I've check layers; all are visible. I have the display axis icon clicked. I looked in drawing set-up and there's an option axis_line_offset that I changed from .1 to 5 to make sure it would extend well beyond the feature. Still no go. The part is an imported IGES file that consists of a bunch of surfaces if that makes any difference. Datum planes show up, why shouldn't datum axis? A option I'm unaware of?

>> Show>Axis

Doh! I knew that... It's that bad parity nueron misfiring in my brain again.


Perhaps try to change your drawing scale (higher) and then you can see yours axis.



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