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mirror/copies in assembly


New member
Is it possible to have mirrored or copied parts to be created/referenced in an assembly w/o Proe actually generating a PRT file for the copies?

In Woldfire 2.0 you can use copy and paste special commands for moving parts around in the assemby. Using component operations you can copy a component or multiple components w/o generating PRT file for the copies.

To create mirror part from one of the component in an assemlby..

In assmebly .go to > component>create>sub-type>mirror

Then select the part you need to copy mirror..

hope this can help..
Thx for the replies. I had no figured out that some tools would be located under different menu sets (i.e. didn't find out about the Component Operations before).

Copy/Paste Special commands are new to WF2 (

As for mirroring a part, I managed doing this before but it always seem to generate a PRT file. I only wished the original part could be referenced with a mirror option or scaling (i.e. -1 in x).

Use the repeat command and change only the constranint/s which is/are different from the original. There may be other ways, however this is one way to to be secured from generating PRT files while copying/mirroring.


