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In 2001, select View > Reorient. From the drop down list, choose Preferences. From here you can have them toggle between trimetric and isometric default orientation. The model rotates between the states as they pick the options.
You can have them specify the option ORIENTATION to pre-set the desired orientation.
If they still have problems understanding, you can give them the definition of isometric (degrees of rotation about the x, y, and z). Then have them dynamically orient the model to isometric view according to the definition. You can even have them save a view of the model named ISO for future use in drawing views.
By mistake I simply connect that with Isometric view. Ok I admit that
My vocabulary of engl is small, and my writing also - sometimes - but problem is real. My idea to change colour of datum planes is still wish. Problem is only in explanation of that to someone because in default view datum planes is one over other - Ok
I know the kind of problems you are having when you try to explain datum planes.
Here are a couple of things that I used to do when I taught pro/e to first time users:
-click on each of the datum planes (from the model tree) so as they highlight, users can see that these are individual planes and not overlapping geometry
-rotate the part to show the planes are separate, along with this was to create another orientation based on a different view (e.g. dimetric)
-create flat rectangular surfaces on each of the 3 datum planes, this helps a lot when in shaded mode (and you can also assign colours to the surfaces to help explain the front and back concept)
-assemble a cardboard model of the 3 planes intersecting. This helped a lot, especially with AutoCAD users, by having something they could hold in their hands and relate to what they were seeing on the screen. It was also a great visual aid for explaining front and back, and orientation concepts.
These were a few things I did, and for the most part, they worked quite well. But as proed said, once they actually start modelling a part they will pick it up quickly.
I would create a saved view so that your planes are not lying in the default position. I would then create some protusion which extrudes up from the TOP datum. From this you can spin you model showing the protusion that is fixed to the def datums. I usually explain to people that the protusion is sitting on the TOP datum rather like a shape sitting on a table TOP!!
The cardboard model idea is good and I believe some PTC instructors used to use this method.
I can’t do anything to help you, since I don’t write the code for Pro/Engineer - but if it’s any consolation at all, I do understand your request and I don’t think it’s a bad idea at all!
Everything that the other people have said above is perfectly correct – BUT – if anyone has any trouble whatsoever interpreting the “6 pointed star” in the default Isometric View (even if their problem is purely because they are absolute beginners!), and if simply changing the colour of the 3 planes would help them – then why not raise it on the “Wish List”. I thought that’s why there is a “Wish List” forum!
Everyone else who already understands the 3 planes, or works in default Trimetric View, or who inserts Datum Axes to clarify the view - or whatever – could carry on working exactly as they do now.
Seems to me that any suggestion that helps students / new users to understand the interface better can only be a good thing!
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