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How do you think you will react when...

Nose Bleed

New member
Okay, Let's say PTC comes out with a new Pro/E version next month. And in this version, everything gets mixed around to where you need to take a couple weeks off from modeling, so that you can learn the new interface.

How would you react?
if it really needs me to take a couple weeks, i'd rather stay with the one i'm currently using. anyway, it didn't take me much time to convert to wf. just need to play with it and have someone to support me when there's issues..
I personally enjoy getting the thrill of a new interface to work with - minus going through the black eye and nose bleed route, however I'm really curious to see what PTC will come up with next. I've been a user only since 2000i, and I became really comfortable with its layout - Oh well - I'm up to speed with WF now.

Could they possibly change the next revision, just after everyone's gotten up to speed and comfortable with WF?

I'm finally over my gripe session with the new change, but I really hope they leave it alone, and just add functionality instead of replacing the interface.
What they'll change to next time is: all icon based CAD package, like Unigraphics and Solid Works. I'm not sure why the leader in the CAD community (PTC) made a change to icons and didn't do it all the way through. I hope, when they do go to the next version, that all the interfaces will be consistant thoughout the package.

Steve C
I agree with you Steve. Pro E is a really powerful package, but their interface is not intuitive. If they created a completely icon based interface, that mite solve alot of confusion. Then they should focus on tweaking the program to get out the little bugs that would reduce my headaches.

BTW, do you think that PTC ever comes in here to read our comments? There is a link to this site on their page.
You know what would be cool is if the interface was flexible enough to custom some of the mouse button functions.

i.e. customizing your mouse buttons to be a firing button, run button, viewing button like on a video game.

If you could set up the spin/pan/zoom to work off this method would probably cut down on alot of peoples annoyances with the program
There comes a time when improving something is like putting new wine into old bottles.

Maybe it's time for a complete rewrite...

SolidWorks capitalizes on Pro/E's deficiencies but I honestly find this harder to use and it's easier to build bad models with.

Easy to use is a way overworked term.
I know that my Pro/E salesperson really likes to make a big deal that 'Wildfire has 4 million lines of code'. He's sure that means its a good product because it's so complex.

Doug - I think that they believe that Wildfire is a complete rewrite and it's the first step in making Pro/E more user friendly and making their bottom line better.

nkpham - I'm sure that they (PTC people) frequent this site, if they don't, they're missing a great opportunity to hear from the user base.

Steve C
I think they're fed up with hearing what the users have to say about it...

Has anyone seen any articles from PTC commenting on, or responding to the users complaints?
I'm assuming this (pro/e central) web site has the largest forum? If so, they MUST frequent it routinely, wouldn't you think?
swcalvert wrote:

I know that my Pro/E salesperson really likes to make a big deal that 'Wildfire has 4 million lines of code'. He's sure that means its a good product because it's so complex.

It has been said that every program (including Pro/E) contains at least one line of redundant code (i.e. a line of code that never actually gets executed by the program in normal operation).

It has also been said that every program contains at least one bug. (I think we can agree that this is true of Pro/E!)

So ...

... by a process of gradual refinement and reduction, it is possible to reduce any program (including Pro/E) to just one line of code - however, it will still have at least one bug in it!
I think i would just get over it and start using the new version. Maybe i'd show up on a forum somewhere and complain about it, but what would that accomplish? Either use the new version or don't, it's not like you have any other choices?

I agree that it would be much nicer if PTC decided to work on functionality & stability rather menu locations and new graphics. (even though i do like using WF)
The bottom line is that for what ever reason(s) PTC has created a fractionalized market in which the majority of users are on versions other than the most current and the trend is getting worse with every release since 2000i.

Wildfire keeps being heralded as an all new user interface but the menu manager is still there and the dialog boxes lack continuity.

In my opinion PTC must address this issue in the next release if they are to survive. First the software has to add such compelling performance that it's a must have for productivity. Secondly, a generous update offer needs to be presented during the first year of the softwares release to make it a no brainer for off mainenance sites to get current.

Bernie Hayden

Whoever said that UG has an intuitive user interface is kidding right?

I dont know much about 18 or earlier but NX is no better off than pro e.

Speling - you have a point. I was of the old school type, who for some strange reason, cursed the computer industry for going to Windows. I loved DOS, because it caused me to have to understand how my computer worked, and how to manipulate the OS to get my computer to do what I wanted. Then Windows came out and everyone was able to do my job without my help, because they finally had an OS that was easy.

Today - I'll never go back to the DOS world. I'm now a Windows user, but am not as much a Windows user, as I am a Linux user.

I design next to Pro/E users who are doing the same stuff with WF, who have only been using Pro/E since the WF release. I've far more experience than they, but I find myself cursing PTC for making these 'new' inexperienced designers jobs so easy...without the experience that I have.

Yes - I would like some cheese to go with my whine - again. :)

