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Working directory shows all instances in a family table


New member
I have downloaded some parts from this site that have family tables attached bolts nuts ect, when I navigate to the directory they are stored in I see only the the generic part. I can then open it and select the instance I want. I have created a part with a family table of my own but when I look in its directory I see all the instances of the generic. Can anyone tell me how to hide all the instance but the generic.
Possibly because you have a space in the directory name.

If you use a hyphen or underscore in a directory name instead of a space there will be an .idx file written to that directory containing all family table info, if you have a space in the directory name you should see an error saying The working directory name contains a space. Index file could not be created.
The parts you downloaded only show the generic because the dir_name.idx file has not been updated by Pro/E. If you save the generic part again from within Pro/E the instances will show up.

If you don't want to see the instances, set the option menu_show_instances to no.

