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Windchill 7


New member
I have been working with WF2 and Winchill 7 for several weeks trying to get an assembly of 900 parts checked in.

Family tables have caused a major headache. we have all fasteners as standard parts and the consequence of this is the part count climbs to 3000 parts!

Worse is the error:"Cannot move placeholder document assembly to shared folder".

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

We're in the exact same situation than you : working with WF2 &Windchill 7.0 for several weeks.

We've had an error message that I'm not 100% sure was the same, but it did indeed talk about a placeholder.

So, assuming I'm on the right track, if you select your assembly from your workspace, for example and click the check in icon, PDM/Link will bring you to the list of all the components that must be checked in with the assembly. In that list, you'll see the assembly selected by you as well as all the parts required. You shouldalso findat least one icon representing abroken sheet in the list of files that will be checked in. Sorting the list by icon will help youfind it. This icon means that this component is missing andrequired because it is referenced by components from your assembly. You should therefore check in that missing component at the same time.

So, once you havesaved this no-longer-missing component to your workspace, the broken sheet icon should be replaced by a part or assembly icon and check in should succeed, unless you face another of the dozens of possible meaningless error messages ;o)

Hope it helps, good luck!

Thankyou for that Mat,

I have been in contact with people in PTC China and Japan and they have mentioned that these are caused by "Ghost" files. What you mentioned makes more sense. However fixing them is harder than identifying them.

They have mentioned that both Windchill and Wildfire have to be on the equilvalent versions and have refered me back to the manual. (Big help!)

I did find learning to use Winchill very difficult. The interface has a lot to be desired and the preview model window reverses the buttons scroll/zoom etc. It breaks many windows standard button-layout have to know exactly where they are and what they do. It is not intuitive and Iam concerned even with the benefits that our suppliers will find it difficult to use too and by-pass it.



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