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Wildifre dimension color change


New member
I have a drawing of an assembly. I changed some components in the assembly and now three of the dimensions on my drawing have changed color (purple). I guess this means I need to update something, but I can't find what to do.

Steve C
The color change means that the dimension has lost it's reference. You can either delete and replace the dimension or you can redefine the dimension references. To redefine the references, first select the dimension then right-click and select edit attachment and select new references.
Well I guess I accepted the solution too fast. It seems that after I refreshed the screen to get the colors to change and then saved the file (which, BTW, didn't get rid of the + sign after the 'main/Development/-/0' even though it said the file was saved) when I re-opened the file, all my three color dimensions were back to the purple color.

Steve C


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