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Wildfire 2 SE FEA Ability?


New member

I have been using ProENGINEER 2001 Student Edition for a few years now and am thinking ofpurchasing Wildfire 2 Student edition. Could someone pleaselet me know if:

1) I cando Finite element analysis on parts and assemblies, to determine the locations and magnitudes of the stresses within the components/machines?

2) I can import my old ProE 2001 parts and assemblies into wildfire 2 SE?

3)What files it can export to, ie STL, IGES?

4)Can it do a Dynamic analysis, eg. calculating the forces due to motion of other parts?

Thank you for your help

very much appreciated


WF2 SE can do full Mechanica.

What happens at SE stays at other words, SE files are stand-alone format which cannot not be read by anything nor it can read other versions of Pro-E.

Good luck,

