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Why must I

I use WF3. Only 10 minutes to go then I don't have to look at ProE for 15 hours

I feel your pain, michael3130. I look forward to many things at the end of the day: getting away from Pro/E is one of them. I look forward to going home and spending time with my family and relaxing with a nice dinner. Then I look forward to running SW at home.

I enjoy using SW, as I have since I firstbought my own copyeight years ago. It does have it's moments, but rarely are they infinitely frustrating, and many frustrations are fixed on the next release - which is always at most a year away. So many easy buttons, such nice graphics, intelligent defaults, easy update procedure, reasonable pricing, Windows-based everything (even includes embedded MS Excel and Word applications!). I just love it - can't get enough of it. Almost as much fun as a video game. SW 2008 just released: Mindripper says check it out, or at least the very sexy flash player demo. If only all CAD was this good.

I wouldn't say I look forward to using SW when I get home cos after a day in front of a PC, I'm not keen on spending my evening in front of one. However, I do work on the side in the evenings and at weekends and 95% of the time I would use SW instead of ProE. The user interface is just so much better, along with too many other things to mention here. Well, I could, but I'd probably get sacked for wasting time on this forum.

Yeah jelston, I do side work. Some of it for pay, some of it for stock in a startup, and some of it just for fun (no idea if it will ever pay me a nickel). There are huge tax benefits to this arrangement. And since my kids see me doing this, they get a clear message that life is not easy and they too had better get used to working their butts off if they want to get ahead.

Yes, HUGE tax benefits. You can't do business without some expenses, ya know. This isn't like receiving a paycheck from your employer. My new mobile workstation: tax-deductible against any income I receive for my home business. And many other business-related items are deductible as expenses, including the square footage for my work area, along with a portion of theutilities and Internet connection. This stuff adds up. And as long as you show a profit (after deductions) one out of three years, few if any questions will be asked. This is what makes America great: entrepeneurship through small business activities. Just be sure to keep complete records, including time cards for your activities.


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