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V cut


New member

Need help! How can I put a V cut normal to edge all the way around? In Patter

Proe 2001


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Try using a sweep, using the edge of your part as the trajectory.
Thanks for your reply

See if this is a little better. Its a tab 3 side and a half round. I need v cuts on top, bottom and half round. I would like to patten the v cut. I would hate to make individual features or v protrusions. Iam guessing the sweep will not let me rotate section 90 degrees.


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Thanks for your reply

See if this is a little better. Its a tab 3 side and a half round. I need v cuts on top, bottom and half round. I would like to patten the v cut. I would hate to make individual features or v protrusions. Iam guessing the sweep will not let me rotate section 90 degrees.


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I do not know what does a geometry look like but try it this way:

1. sketch a curve

2. put a point on the curve (either by length ratio or actual length)

3. make an axis through point normal to surface you use for orientation of v cut

4. make a plane throughpoint normal to axis

5. make a plane that will be used for sketching (through axis, normal to plane from point 4 and paralel to what you feel is right.

6. make a sketch using plane 5. and 4; dimension to point and axis

7. make a cut

8. make a local group of geometry from pt. 2 through pt. 7

9. pattern the group using point parameter

This looks complex but in fact it is not. Have a good patterning.
Thanks for your reply

See if this is a little better. Its a tab 3 side and a half round. I need v cuts on top, bottom and half round. I would like to patten the v cut.






Another solution:

1. Sketch a composite curve on top, botton, and half round edges

2. Put a point pnt1 on the curve (either by length ratio or actual length)

3. Make a dtm1 plane through point normal to datum curve(this will allow you to rotate around half round normal)

4. Make a dtm2 plane through point normal to dtm1

5. Sketch V cut. Use dtm2 for sketching dtm1 for orientation.

For ref use dtm1 and pnt1

6. Group all and pattern




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