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Using ProFeatureSectionCopy()


New member
Dear ALL,

I am using ProFeatureSectionCopy to retrieve the section attached to a feature. Later, i am doing entity replacement in this section and regenerating it. But always ProSectionRegenerate fails (ProSectionAutoDim also fails with -1) with -1. I logged a case with PTC and they say that it is a Bug in WF4.

However, I have a doubt. The Section got using the API ProFeatureSectionCopy(), is just a copy of the section and not the original section object and hence ProSectionRegenerate() fails. The Documentation for this API says "Returns the copy of the requested section of the feature." Please let me know if i am thinking in the correct direction. If this is true, let me know of any other method to get the section handle attached to the feature to later do an Entity replace within the section.

I found that all other ProSection API's e.x. ProSectionEntityReplace, ProSectionDimCreate(),ProSectionNameSet() works fine for the section retrieved using ProFeatureSectionCopy().

Please let me know anything more on this topic.

Thanks for the help



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