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User defined parameters with family tab


New member
Is it possible to have a family table part which is the generic and family part with different values for a user defined parameter. eg. I have a generic part which is the machining details for the family part which is the casting details. I have a user defined parameter revision. If I change the revision in either part the other part will carry the same revision I can not make them independent. Hope this is clear enough for you to understand.
You can add any parameter to the family table:

Just add a column, then select Parameter.

Pick Revision from the list...
Thanks but that doesn't answer my question. If I add a column to the instance part and select revision, it mearly picks up the parameter already established by the generic part. I want these to be completely unique. I will have a drawing for both instance and generic parts and our formats pick up the UDP revision.
The answer is yes. Follow proed's instructions but you must create the family table in the generic part (not in an instance). Then just edit the table so the every instance has a different value for your revision parameter.

Unless you plan on doing nested family tables (not recommended very often), you'll only have a family table in the generic part.

-Brian Adkins
Hey that works fine. Thanks to both, although if I'd had half a brain I would have understood from proed answer in the first place. Anyway got there in the end. Say Brian you are an early bird there in NC. Greg

