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Am I missing something here? I created a helical datum curve using calculations and everything looks fine but when I go to create a swept protrusion Pro wont let me use the damn curve I just created. What good is a curve if you can't use it! Can anybody help me out here?
1. Create a helical swept surface. Insert, Helical Sweep, Surface. For my section I just created a single line and it sweeps. So now I have a swept looking flat ribbon if you will.
2. I select the inside edge or the edge that represents my intent.
3. I copy it, then paste it back as a curve. At this point I can then use the curve as a regular sweep trajectory.
This is my work-around.
I'd be interested in others techniques to the original question posed, and why it says the helical curve trajectory is invalid. Edited by: coolntn1
I was able to use the helical curve only if I use a variable section sweep. I think the name of this feature is a little misleading. I don't have a variable section; I have a variable trajectory. If it works for both, which I found does, then it should have a better description.
ProEngineer should change there name to ProWorkAround because there are more "Work Arounds" than valid features.
Depends on how you created the curve. Instead of using a swept protrusion, use a swept blend instead..just make the two sections (start and end) identical.
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