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trouble with datum plane display


New member
Hi all!

I'm facing a trouble with datum plane display (release wildfire 2.0). I hid some datum planes manually (select them, right click and choose "hide") and then I saved the assembly. Next time, when assembly opened, all these datum planes be shown...can we save display status of a specified datum entity?

Hide a layer including theseplanes is a solution, but it makes my layer tree like a mesh.

anyone can guide me?

thanks in advance

Edited by: ndk
All you need to do is to hide them in the model tree, go to the layer tree, right-click & save status. This saves the hidden detail without having to hide layers.
You can also go to VIEW/VISIBILITY and SAVE STATUS without being in the layer tree.

Of course, remember to save the model after you"SAVE STATUS"
Yes, It'seasy. Thank you.

WF 2.0 with so many pretty improvements, but sometimes makes me confused


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