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tool: choose between servers and configs


New member
Hello everyone.

I've made a little tool at work that lets me choose between servers and configs to start.
You can choose between up to 5 servers (or ProE instances) and 10 configs per server.

Since it actually works I decided to share it with everyone

You can download it here:

Since it is not meant to be a completely finished program your feedback is appreciated!


server dialog:

View attachment 2941

config dialog:

View attachment 2942

Edit: All settings and text labels can be customized in an .ini file.

Edited by: Zestje
Hello again.

I've uploaded a newer version of the tool, which lets you add up to 10 servers (or ProE /Intralink instances), 10 start folders (projects/customers) per server and 10 configs per folder.

It's a very easy way to be able to choose between different files or configuration files when starting ProE.

What it actaully does is that it simply copies the chosen configuration file into the chosen start folder with the chosen new filename of the configuration file. Then it runs ProE in that folder, so the config is automatically run by ProE.

You can use it for example to:
1) Choose 1 configuration file from a number of different configuration files, which is then copied into the chosen project folder as e.g.
2) Choose 1 search file from a number of different search files,
which is then copied into the chosen project folder as e.g. (Then the in that same folder must refer to that of course).

Note: You can even have the tool run another instance of the tool in a different folder to stack configuration choices, e.g to choose both a and a for one specific project!

(Since it's so general it can be used for any program to select 1 file from a set of files to copy into a specifc folder before running a program.)

You can download it here:

Your feedback is appreciated!
I have uploaded a new version: 1.00.

Download it here:

- Added option to set colours of background, buttons and text through .ini file.
- Added option to run the selected server in default, minimized, maximized window.
- Added option to show a selection window when there is only one possible option for selection (instead of automatically choosing this one option and continuing the script)
- Added option te choose a different start path (runpath) for each project different from the path the file is copied to (copypath). This is very useful if you want to stack scripts (use the script to start another script). Then you must set the runpath setting to the path of the next script executable to make sure it finds the correct .ini file). Stacking is useful e.g. if you want to copy more then 1 file.

If you have any questions, just let me know. Your feedback is appreciated!

Planned improvements: Option to define multiple files to be copied at once.
Although I've been using it 'forever' now, here's tha lastest version:

- Added command line option to start a differently named .ini file.
- Added .ini setting to enable/disable edit buttons.
- Addded copying of multiple files for each config in one .ini (up to 10 files!) is now possible. Restructuring of the config.ini for this change.

Note that this is a general tool, which is independant from ProE and can be used for any program, e.g. to copy the needed game configs upon game start for each specific user.
It just copies (multiple) files and then runs an executable file.

Have fun!
I like it! I can't run executables at work (no privileges) but I'll try this out at home. Is there a way to set what license you start Pro/E with? We have a lot of basic licenses and two ISDX licenses.
Edited by: Atropos89
@ Atropos89: Yes you can. You can change the server_x_file to run the .bat file for the desired license instead of the normal proe.exe executable.
You must make a 'server' entry for each license.
E.G. change

Stacking config select scripts (have one script run the next) should be a nice way to setup choosing a ProE version on the first screen and the license e.g. on the second screen.
@ DonChunior: I used AutoItscripting language.
On request I'll send the source, but I'm not (yet) distrubuting it, because I don't consider it 'finished' enough. I still want to implement some more functionality.
Another update is available at:

Most important changes:
* Changed the script so that when only one server, project or config is defined, it is no longer required to be the fist one.
* Added and changed settings to enable setting the main background colour of the different GUI windows. See the readme for more information.


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