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Text disapearing in tables


New member
We have some issues with text in tables disapearing.

If you do a properties on the table cell the text is there. after you do this the text is showing temporarily until you call the drawing up again!

What is causing this and how to fix?

It dosen't happen on all drawings just intermittently.
Is it that the text is calling up a non-existent parameter in that particular model. This will certainly make the text disappear.

I am such an idiot. I had an annotation layer blanked, which caused all of the drawing text to hide. duh...


What version of ProE are you using? I had an issue with the rpt regions and filed an spr on it.

WF3 M020. However, it was an EBKAC (Error Between Keyboard And Chair), so I doubt I had the same problem.



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