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Table with scaled parts


New member
Dear Colleagues,

I need to create a table in which each instance is the model with different scale.

Do anyone know how to do this?

do you still have all main dimensions? Other way ... for instances you want to change only the scale or want to be more different?

You can apply shrinkage in PART MODE (at least as of 2001) so you DO NOT NEED Pro/MOLDESIGN (or Pro/CASTING for that matter):

About Shrinkage in Molding or Casting

Shrinkage is the contraction of the molding or metal casting as it solidifies and cools. Applying shrinkage values to the reference model increases the dimensions of the reference model in proportion to the amount of shrinkage that occurs during the molding or casting process.

Before starting the molding or casting process, you must set options for shrinkage control within Pro/ENGINEER. You can use two methods of applying shrinkage: by dimension and by scaling. You can set these options in Mold, Cast, or Part mode. For more information, refer to the online help for Pro/MOLDESIGN and Pro/CASTING, or search the Index on shrinkage.

IN PART MODE, when you choose Shrinkage from the PART > Set Up menu, the SHRINKAGE menu appears with the following commands:
hi douger if i use shrink feature and call it in fam table it comes as a feature and iam able to give only yes or no

how can i enter scaling value in fam table
You table the value for shrinkage, not the feature.

Or you could create several shrinkage features and table these if you'd really prefer..
You need Pro/Moldesign to use the shrinkage feature, even though you use it on part modeling...

When you access the feature without the module, you get a You need Pro/Moldesign - Pro/moldesign 2 in order to use this feature

Best regards,

Thanks for your help,

To have or not shrinkage feature depends on proe release. In the company i work for there is a foundation version which hasn't this feature. I guess the solution is to upgrade to a newer version. Wildfire i guess. It has a lot of features previously weren't in foundation but in other modules.
If this is the case - which I don't doubt - PTC may be in some sort of violation as their online helps definitely state that shrinkage is available in part mode...
to dougr

In Foundation I or II package the shrinkage function is hidden, when you touch that it's telling you: You must have Mold pakage for this function... or something like this.

I have +6 years on Pro/E moulding, casting and NC.

Some of my colleagues: part modelers don't have shrinkage option. They work only on basic+surf pack.

I find this, when I ask for correcting GeomCheck's. You know very well, some time when you apply the shrinkage is crashing.

... with regards,

Check your help guides, shrinkage is definitely listed under Pro/ENGINEER Foundation.

Maybe your colleagues should ask for it, seems like they've paid for it..
Shrinkage is USED through part mode, but you can only use it in PART mode if you have a license, I know first hand. I have Foundation Advantage and when you click on shrinkage it says you need the MOLDESIGN module.

It shouldn't be anywhere else on the help file, since it is on Part Design, but it's just not active if you don't have the module.
Excuse me Dougr,

What version do you have?

mine is proe 2001(2002140).

This foundation does not have this shrinkage feature (unless it is hidden), layouts, simplified reps for assys, does not have for sufaces: VSS, Swept blend, helical sweep, boundaries, free form etc. I know there is a foundation version that has these options, and if you purchase wildfire today, it includes not only these options but complete AAX.

I think this is now in foundation due mainly to solidworks. That is a point in favour of Solid Works and competitors.


