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Symbols Auto Update


New member
How to make updating of custom symbol automatic.

I have a customsymbol used in many drawings. But when I modified the source of the symbol,the update does not show up in all instances of all drawings, only in theone being used.

For ex. I use a custom symbol in all my custom drawing format but unable to update all my format other than manually.

Thank you in advance.
This is correct... When you apply a symbol to a drawing, the symbol's definition is copied into the drawing file and becomes independent of the priginal *.sym file.

There is no way I know of to create a symbol that remains tied to an external source for its definition, unless the symbol resides on a drwaing format (and is NOT contained in a table)

Thanks Brian for your fast response.

I am quite surprised of that. It seems that itmakes no sense that the usage of symbols does not allow for updating in themultiple instances of that symbol. In my opinionthat is the basic rule of usage of a kind of generic drawing in any software.

I am completely amazed

But when you say "unless the symbol resides on a drwaing format" I do not know what you mean. I have the symbol instanced in my format but does not update in the other format when I change someting in it by FORMAT/SYMBOL GALERY/REDEFINE/RETRIEVE. ??????
once symbols are placed, they are independant and seperate from the pallet/ directory. it makes complete sense- in some drawings you may want to change that drawings color to draw attention to it, change its size a bit for clarity, or placement. so - to hear one say they expect a symbol to be dependant of its source, to me is completly amazing.
If you have a symbol directory defined and originally retrieved the symbol from that directory, them if you modify the symbol & re-retrieve it (use browse button) it will ask you if you want to update all symbol instances in the drawing. If the new symbol instance comes from a different directory, Pro/e gives it a unique name & does not overwrite the original.
So is there any way to realize that? Being able to use 2d graphic in several files and being able to modify the uniquesource and domstream files wouldupdate.

In 3D in some aspectone have UDF to realise that . Not in 2d???

Thank you again.
The only ways I can think of are poor workarounds and I would not recommend the latter two ideas. That being said, here are some ways I think you could rig it:

1) put the symbol in a drawing format (but NOT in a table on the format). Updates to the symbol in the format would show up on the drawings.

2) Create a drawing to be used as an overlay on other drawings. You'd probably need a separate overlay drawing for wach paper size, unless you were creative with symbol placement. The overlay drawing would contain nothing but the symbol. Updates to the overlay drawing would cascade through to the main drawings.

3)Create a part containing an datum curve representing the symbol. Then, write a mapkey or trail file that would add a view of this part to any drawing where required. Once the part is updated, all drawings that show it would update as well.

Thx Mr Brian

It shows a deep knowledge of the software and indicate thatevery prtoblemhas asolution for you. Those are good workaround in my opinion.

Thank you again for the hints.



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