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Sweep Cut


New member
Hi, Friends:

I want to create a Sweep cut, which the section's plane is not perpendicular with the trajactory plane. How to do it?

Any help appreciate.

Thanks for replyes.

The Sweep Feature will not allow me to select section plan, right? After I schetched the trajactory, the program will aotomaticly bring me to a normal plane to schetch a section. Is that right?

But what I want is to control the section plane bymyself.


Doing sweep always will be normal to the trajectory.

You probably could try a Swept Blend where you could pivot the direction or a general blend.


Thanks, Brian.

The reson I asking for this question is that I could do it in SolidWorks using that way.

Thanks again.
Use Variable Section Sweep, then select NrmToOrigTraj. For your origin trajectory sketch a line that you want your section to be normal to. Then use the X-trajectory as the actual trajectory for the feature to follow.
Use Pivot Dir. In this case, the section becomes normal to the choosen plane at the starting place and ending place. You can choose only one plane for both. Hope this helps.


Rajesh S

