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SW 2005 File Import/Export.


New member
I have about 20Mb of Solidworks (2005) files (parts and assemblies) that were sent to me.

I need to export/convert these 3D models to IGES and ACIS (ver 6) files for inclusion in a new project.

I took my trusty thumbdrive to a friend who has Solidworks 2003, and
when I tried to read any of the files got the message they are later

It turns out as noted above that the files were saved with SW 2005.

What other CAD programs will allow me to load these files and save as
IGES and ACIS formats. I need the files in a format that is
transportable to other systems.

I notice there are other CAD/CAM programs that can read SW files, so
the data structure must be available to allow file translation.

If anyone has links/information on the file structure used by
Solidworks 2005 I will write my own file converter. Some CAD programs I
have tried only export as surfaces, and the solids information is lost.

Then you can all have a new utility. I have been writing system S/W for 20 years.

Pro/E used to be able to open SW files; I don't know if it's still true. It's been 3 or 4 years for me now...
transmagic is a service that can do this for you.

Then again I can do this for you as well. drop me a line and we can talk. [email protected]

good luck,

