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Surface model analysis??


New member
Hi everybody! I revived some Catia files from a client recently that needed some vibrational analysis on them and when I opened them in Pro, most of them came in fine (solid), BUT one of them came in as a surface!

now it's a complicated enough moulded plastic part maybe 3 mills thick..

so I have tried to heal the geometry and solidify it but that's not working so what I'm wondering if it possible to use thissurface file somehow? I can mesh the surface usign shell elements but when a thickness is assigned this will obviously createan inexact model!

so is there a way to create a midsurface or somethign aloing those lines?

thanks - using WF2.0 M80

A midsurface cannot be made from a surface. You may consider making a new offset surface in Pro/E and using that.

You may consider using the non-centered surface you have.

You might try importing it under a different file format to see if it stays solid.
nice idea on the offset surfaces! I could try that!

could you tell me if it's possible to use a combination of solid and shell elements?

for a very simplified example, consider an I-beam, could I use solid elements for the top and bottom and shells for the web center section?

would it be necessary to put insome sort of connection or filler elements?

thanksfor the help,

could you tell me if it's possible to use a combination of solid and shell elements?

Yes it is!

for a very simplified example, consider an I-beam, could I use solid elements for the top and bottom and shells for the web center section?


would it be necessary to put insome sort of connection or filler elements?

Nope, mechanica will add links by itself. Autogem will report the number of links it made.


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