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Suggested techniques for documenting assembly modifications


Suggested techniques for documenting modifications to existing assembly?


I am working on a project where we will be making major changes to an existing assembly (a real one) and would like to document and control the required changes with Pro/E. I may have a reasonably complete Pro/E assembly of the real thing. Changes will be things like removing components, relocating components, cutting off lengths of parts, making new holes, etc.

I can easily just make a new assembly of what the final assembly might look like, but this will not communicate the Work Instructions to make the changes. Just to be clear, I have a handle on how to do the modeling; I just do not have a clear strategy for how to architect the model to document the required changes. I am thinking of using assembly cuts for the new hole patterns and cut-offs, perhaps BMX features to move components, etc. Other suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Matthew Ian Loew

Thanks for the suggestion. I will give the interchange assembly a try. In the drawing for the modified assembly, what information is available to be documented on the changes? For example, an assembly cut will have dimensions I can show on the print. What tags are there that will be able to display component A replaced by component B or component C deleted?

Thanks again.
How can i get assembly cut to part level?.i.e assembly cut should be shown as part feature also when opening the part.

You are replying to a post that on another topic. Please post a new thread.

Best regards,

You might could use 3D notes. They are visible in the model tree and on teh graphics screen.

You might could create assembly instances with empty parts (no solids, just parameters) that simply provide information to a table that is a represetation of a sequence of operations.

For example, for my Rev list I use a table with a 2D repeat region. The table ref's an assembly with a family table with instances of empty parts (no solids) that are named as my rev (RevA, RevB, etc.) and each one contains parameters (text). When the table fills in, it looks like a rev list.

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