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style question



Hi, every body!

I have a pro/e question.I don't understand the STYLE command,someone can help me!

I am a pool Chinese boy!

please email the anser to below address:

[email protected]

Thanks! very much!

Best regards!

Hi to all

In case of Chinese boy I did not want to be a insulting. Ok

I only want that people devote a little more attention to the problem and noting else.


And also forget my comment on e-mail address

I send you some information that I have from PTC,

Style feature belongs to ISDX (Interactive Surface Design Extension) module of proe.


The style feature is designed to aceelerate the creation of curves and surfaces. It allows to create geometry quickly and easily. Style activates its own set of drop-down menus, a tool bar, an icon bar and pop up menus. it allows you to create :

1. 2

I send you some information that I have from PTC,

Style feature belongs to ISDX (Interactive Surface Design Extension) module of proe.


The style feature is designed to aceelerate the creation of curves and surfaces. It allows to create geometry quickly and easily. Style activates its own set of drop-down menus, a tool bar, an icon bar and pop up menus. it allows you to create :

Thank for all of friends who help me! I will do my best to do Style command!

thanks very much!

PS: I am a poor Chinese!
Style features are essentially boundary surfaces which have been available the whole time I've been using Pro/E (R9).

Basically a boundary surface (or style now) is created by draping a surface over a set of datum-curves or edges (solid or surface edges).

They are extremely powerful features and the NCC-1701 and NCC-1701-E models available for download on this site wouldn't have been possible without them.

One thing to bear in mind about surfaces is that they are only used for construction purposes and solids are always the desired result...

