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Hi anyone !

I need help. I'm a newbie to Wildfire 2.0 and I have to modela stent. In the attached File I've tried to model a stent. My question is, how can I pattern indicated in the file in the axis direction and how can I cut away the stent cells.

thanks a lot for your help

hey can u give me dimensions for the patterning?

5 per revolution.. but then when it moves up... how far up ?

i think i can get this to work ..
Hi puppet,

thanks lot. The first picture you have posted is exactely what I need. Can you send me the file ? You would do me a great favour.

well its mammoth for some reason


whats ur email addresss

i think i will try makign it with a toroidal bend maybe its smaller

but still give me ur email address so i can sent it to u

Edited by: puppet
without the dims cant help you with pattern, but regarding the cut, simply use the edit trim on the original wrap then pattern the cut! done!
Wow !

the last one is really fantastic. My email is [email protected]

thanks a lot for the file

Before sending large Pro/E files, suppressing all features will greatly reduce file size. I justsuppressed all featureson a 13.3mb file andfile size was reduced to 2.4mb.

