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Std.out file ????


New member
Hi all,

Can enybody tell me about this file I found in my srart up & cannot be deleted while session is on ?


It's kinda like a session log.

If Pro/E bombs for any reason you can check std.out to see the fault reason..
Hello Friend,

rlsmem: memory chain is corrupt

Serious internal error; cannot continue

Yes, you are right It's an error log & above is comment from one of the files when opened in Notepad.

Here is the 2nd,

analyze_n_fold_vrtx: 3 folds at a vertex

analyze_n_fold_vrtx: 3 folds at a vertex

analyze_n_fold_vrtx: 3 folds at a vertex

analyze_n_fold_vrtx: 3 folds at a vertex

analyze_n_fold_vrtx: 3 folds at a vertex

analyze_n_fold_vrtx: 3 folds at a vertex

analyze_n_fold_vrtx: 3 folds at a vertex

analyze_n_fold_vrtx: 3 folds at a vertex

analyze_n_fold_vrtx: 3 folds at a vertex

Here is the third one,

draw_mode mode 8 error

draw_mode mode 8 error

Can you please help me to understand these errors ? & how to avoid those ?




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