Hi all,
I saw a tutorial on how to design and model a spur gear parametricallyusing catia on this link http://gtrebaol.free.fr/doc/catia/spur_gear.html
I thought of sharing it with you. I, myself, followed it step by step and created a video on how to model a spur gear using parameters
[url]http://catiatutorialz.blogspot.com/2011/09/018-spur-gear-par ametric-modeling.html[/url]
I saw a tutorial on how to design and model a spur gear parametricallyusing catia on this link http://gtrebaol.free.fr/doc/catia/spur_gear.html
I thought of sharing it with you. I, myself, followed it step by step and created a video on how to model a spur gear using parameters
[url]http://catiatutorialz.blogspot.com/2011/09/018-spur-gear-par ametric-modeling.html[/url]