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Spinal Bend


New member
I am a newbie for proE and I am using proE2001...Well I need to know how to create a spinal bend.Just a normal bending of spring will do.Does anyone have any website on creating spinal bends? Thx.
The website you can find that will give you the best information about spinal bend's is.... the one that you're on right now. Go to files and do a search for 'box with spinal bend' or something like that. Or, better yet, follow this link: [url] wse&categoryid=49&whichpage=3 [/url]

Although reading your question a little more closely, I see you may want to double check what you're actually looking for. The spinal bend is for a living hinge (think of it as polyproylene's gift to humanity), but you mention a spring, which is created with a helical sweep. Which is it?
Well I have a spring created initially using VSS.And would like to bend it using spinal bend such that after bending,you can see tension occurs at the bending part of the spring.

Well I read a book andthere is an example thatuses spinal bend to bend a telephone cord which is created by VSS.However the book did not state thesteps of doing it....And it puzzled me very much.
There'sno secret Chu, just download the box and take a look.Also refer to this article: spinal bends Icheck this one out all the time when I need to model a living hinge. Be careful though because if the geometry is fairly complex there could be problems with the bend regenerating. If you still can't figure it out, post the model and I'll take a look at it on Monday (that's my time - USA central).

