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Something weird is going on.....


New member
It's been a while since I've put a post up, but anyhow.....

I came into work on Saturday and at the end of the day I saved all my assemblies. I came in to work today and none of the work from Sat. had saved. Our network gets backed up on the weekdays, so nothing was got overwritten that way. I checked the "Audit Trail" and it showed that the last time my assembly was saved was on 9/9/04, which was when I received the file from my customer. I have been working on this assembly and save it everyday since 9/9. Some of thechanges I have made since then were saved, but the "Audit Trail" said otherwise.

1) How is it possible that things got saved in the assembly, but the Audit Trail shows differently? 2) How come my assemblies didn't get saved when the actual "file modified date" showed that it was saved? Any help would be appreciated?
You may have checked this already, but are the files write protected? You stated the files came from a customer. Sometimes when you pull files off a CD they retain the write only permissions. Maybe you didn't notice the File > Save error.

I would do a search of your entire drive for the files. Maybe you accidentally saved them in another area.

Some companies rebuild PC's via the local network on weekends.

The possiblilities are endless.
Read Only files will open in Pro/E and be saved as part_name.prt.x. I am on UNIX and made a Pro/E file Read Only. Pro/E did not care about the Read Only file because it just increments the digit and assigns it's own file attributes.Was your file system was full. If the File System is full that will get you if you do not see the error message in the text box.

