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somebody knows as making electrodes in pro/e


New member
the easyest way is to extract electrodeswithout the gap, and then mill them in pro/nc with negative stock allowance.
u can try to copy surfaces (area for electrode) then extend (sel boundary) -> along dir. -> up to plane -> make a lat for close the surface. ... make-it solid ... Portrusion -> use quilt.

[email protected]
Extract the way adicar01 explained.But You can go ahead and use surface copy and surface offset option to give spark gap and it will be ready electrode to be milled.
Extract the way adicar01 explained.After this use surface copy and surface offset option to give spark gap and it will be ready electrode to be milled.You can do normal ,spherical or square orbits

Note: Make sure the smallest radius or the surface is bigger than the spark gap otherwise it will fail to rgenerate.
One item that everyone is leaving out is:

Electrodes are created in a assembly mode.

The sequence for creating a electrode is:

1. Create new assembly file.

2. Assemble the part model from which you will create a electrode.

3. The next step is to create a component.

4. Create first feature, then grab the surfaces needed for the electrode. From this open up the electrode model and finish to suit.

Also, don't forget if you machine the electrodes in Pro-E all you need to do is to put the correct overburn on the electrode is to specific negative stock allowance.

Here's a tip:

Create a cosmetic feature on your electrode, use the text feature, on the side of your electrode put the overburn the electrode is setup for.

That's all...........


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