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its to bad that he is offended by the response when clearly thats what he was fishing for when you go to a forum of opposing faction and make a comment like that. Get a clue

500- 600 part assemblies fairly common. think about companies in my area like Catapiller, United Defense, Lockhead Martin, Toro, 3M, ADC Telco, August Technologies and the list goes on. Not that I dont realize that there are smaller shops out there, and Solidworks posses a real arguement. But to make blind statements and then follow up with uneducated comments shows your true colors.

My Company uses Inventor , Solid works and Pro/E ... and each have there own niche to a few degree's

I myself would like a little more detail in the arguements of either CAD package. My problem is that its always arguements from the other camp, which is totally biased.

where are the real facts?
I had to go to the SW site to verify the release date of SW-PE of March 2003, if this user has Mastered it in that short time I wish him well. I've been doing Pro for 12000+ hours and would say I'm skilled. Mastering free software is not the same thing.


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