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Solidworks and CosmosWorks compatibility


New member
I am running Solidworks 2007 with SP 2.2, and have not needed to do any FEA for a while. I now have a need, and I currently have CosmosWorks 2004 Sp.0. I have installed everything for CosmosWorks, and the licensing and dongle is installed.

When I try to launch CosmosWorks I get the the following error message.

"cosworks.dll could not be loaded. Either the addin or one of its components is missing."

I cannot find any solution to this online. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
My guess is that an error exists in the registry keys. You could try repairing the installation of SolidWorks. Did you check the addin to verify CosmosWorks is selected instead of ComosXpress?

I had a problem installing SW 2009 (while still using SW 2007) as a separate install. I had to have SW Tech Support perform a web meeting to repair the registry keys on Win XP Pro x64 (64-bit).

