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Slow load when Cntrl+Tab


New member
Hello all,

Im using Solidworks 2008, recently been update to SP5 and then notice that each time switching (cntrl+tab) to other opened files, my pc start to slow down,eg: my media player stop playing the music.After near a minute, then the selection screen came up.

Before this, it was OK, after I decide to format my PC and reinstall the solidworks again + the service pack, then I notice it happened.

Yes, it happend in a fresh formated PC.I already use the Solidworks Rx function for maintenance, dont do any help.

Im not sure wether installing in IDE mode rather than SATA last time could be problem

or the acces files in difrent partition from the Solidwork installed partition cause the problem

or the service pack it self.

I havent try to reinstall solidwork without the service pack.

Please advise, thanks.


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