Hi all,
I wanted to get a reaction from the community regarding a recent exchange I had about rates and skills.
First, I need to qualify myself. I am speaking as a twenty year design engineering veteran, ten of those years running a Product Engineering business built upon Pro/E. I have employed dozens of Pro/E people over the past ten years. I would say I have a good understanding of the skills required to complete a given engineering and/or design job. I would call myself Old School when it comes to my lack of acceptance and appreciation of people that call themselves designers without the necessary skills and background to complete a job independently.
Recently I took aim at a person for his response I received after I was asked rates I charge for Pro/E Designers. I did this after very large Captain and Coke....it struck a nerve and unlike me, I gave him a smarta** response. However, this has prompted some interesting questions for me. I am wondering if I would have received the same type of response from more of the community.
I was asked to quote Pro/E Designers. I employ only Pro/E Design Engineers. My rates range from $45 to $65 per hour per resource depending on the complexity, urgency and visibility. The response was...Too rich for me! No Thanks!
There was no negotiation opportunity and no relationship building opportunity whatsoever. Keep in mind, this work would have been done in my facility, with my machines, with my Pro seats, with my desks and chairs by my employees. This was proposed to me as a Pro/E conversion job. I was given no other information than that. So I have no idea as to the complexity. However, I was struck by the horrific response to my rates.
Now to the point...In your minds, what makes a person:
A Designer?
A Pro/E Designer?
A CAD modeler?
A Draftsman
What relative rates would you, if you were a business owner responsible for payroll, compensate each of the people I have asked about?
Is a person sitting in their basement running a cracked license of Pro/E considered competition?
Is this what I need to do to win projects these days?
I look forward to thread.
I wanted to get a reaction from the community regarding a recent exchange I had about rates and skills.
First, I need to qualify myself. I am speaking as a twenty year design engineering veteran, ten of those years running a Product Engineering business built upon Pro/E. I have employed dozens of Pro/E people over the past ten years. I would say I have a good understanding of the skills required to complete a given engineering and/or design job. I would call myself Old School when it comes to my lack of acceptance and appreciation of people that call themselves designers without the necessary skills and background to complete a job independently.
Recently I took aim at a person for his response I received after I was asked rates I charge for Pro/E Designers. I did this after very large Captain and Coke....it struck a nerve and unlike me, I gave him a smarta** response. However, this has prompted some interesting questions for me. I am wondering if I would have received the same type of response from more of the community.
I was asked to quote Pro/E Designers. I employ only Pro/E Design Engineers. My rates range from $45 to $65 per hour per resource depending on the complexity, urgency and visibility. The response was...Too rich for me! No Thanks!
There was no negotiation opportunity and no relationship building opportunity whatsoever. Keep in mind, this work would have been done in my facility, with my machines, with my Pro seats, with my desks and chairs by my employees. This was proposed to me as a Pro/E conversion job. I was given no other information than that. So I have no idea as to the complexity. However, I was struck by the horrific response to my rates.
Now to the point...In your minds, what makes a person:
A Designer?
A Pro/E Designer?
A CAD modeler?
A Draftsman
What relative rates would you, if you were a business owner responsible for payroll, compensate each of the people I have asked about?
Is a person sitting in their basement running a cracked license of Pro/E considered competition?
Is this what I need to do to win projects these days?
I look forward to thread.