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Simple Rep


New member
Hi gentlemen

When I start a new drawing of a simple part having a simple rep define in the model I did not find the way to show it up in the drawing nor to select it a the creation of the new drawing.

Thank you in advance.

Try this:<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

Put in your drawing a master representation of your part, then use views/represent/pick views and change the master representation with simplified rep.

damiaptr said:
... For parts work views/represent

What version of Pro/E, what option modules required?

Unless I'm missing something it is not possible (in WF, without AAX? Don't have it don't know.) to use a Part Simp Rep in a drawing view except by placing the part in an assembly and then using that for the part drawing.

(It's a curiosity question; snagged on the subject in another forum and started wondering.)
I use WF2.0I do not have AAX.

But I t should be a request for future release, should not be? Why do we have the opportunity tocreat simple rep in part but unable to create drawing showing it??

To be discussed.

Thx you all guys.

Ho! Good news

Anyone knowthe date ofofficial release of WF3 planned. Not the pre-production or beta.

If I heard right then this summer should be released, till then you can use family table instead simp rep of part, and with family table create drawing (in family table exclude or include features like in simp rep)
WF3.0 with a pre-production II out in September (first time PTC have released a pre-prod II) and the full prodution version next april (APRIL '06)

just to clarify.. Pre-Production II will be at a quality level similar to the first production version of WF 1.0 or 2.0.. but they said that this time they have delayed it to fix all the little non-critical (but very anoying
) bugs!

hope this helps,



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