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Sillhouette Curve


Hello everybody,

Wonder if anyone can help me? My problem is in tool design. Is it possible to produce a sillhouette datum curve on to a complicated part which will define its split line? I can then use this curve to define each side of the tool. A simple example would be obtaining the circumference of a sphere as a datum curve. I've attached a picture of the part I'm trying to produce a die tool for. I hope I've explained what I'm after clearly enough!

Thanks for anyone's help in advance!

Yes with the Mold Design package you are able to create a sillhoutte
curve to do exactly as you asking. Once the sillhoutte curve is
created you can use it to create a skirt surface to define the parting
surface. Of course this method works only on very simple
parts. Judging from your screen capture it probably should work
for you in this case.
Thanks Jeff,

But this will only work for co-planer geometry.

Alle, could you expland a little bit more please? Which type, sub-type do I need to be using to start; m'facturing or assembly?

Thanks for your help.

View attachment 1111

"But this will only work for co-planer geometry."

I'm not sure I understand.
Hi Jeff,

What you've shown is exactly what I'm after. Sorry, I thought you'd meant trim quilt using plane. Can you do this in the standard module? What's the sequence? I've only used surface trims using quilt, so I presume this is a different technique?

Thanks for helping!

It can be done with what comes with Foundation. There's a button on the Trim Dash Panel for it. The down side is having to copy the faces / surfaces. (Select a single face, RMB and the context sensitive menu offered should be "Solid Surfaces"; it'll copy the entire shell.) Once the copy quilt is made, select it, the Trim tool, a projection plane and the "Trims the quilt using silhouette..." button.

