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several questions


New member
hi all,

I've bought ProE/NC and now I have several questios such as:

Where can i find a good tutorial for GPost?

Is there anyway to change the tool compensation? I mean we are use to enter at the machines the value of the real diameter for the tool, not the diference between the programed diameter and the real diameter for the tool.

Why doesn't my site keep the feed and speed values from the tool table. this means after programing a tool, whenI SET the parameters(site) I've to enter once again the feed and speed for the tool, as well as the retract plane.

Can anyone help me??

when i first use a tool, i will save as set parametres and store the params for that tool. When i come to use the tool again i select retrieve instead of set.

Maybe this would be better

First, I can't remember exactly in which tab, but in the Workcell setup is a setting for output of the toolpath via tool edge or center. We use center, but apparently you want to use edge. I'll check in the morning and verify.

There are some GPost tutorials on the PTC Collaboration website. You should talk to Tech Support (or email Francois Lamy :[email protected]) to get an invitation emailed to you to join it. You have to be 'on maintenance' to join.

I've never had much luck in keeping the speeds/feeds in the tools, but we use solid tools, not parameter tools. I had a slew of SPRs about it a while ago and I've been remiss in not checking the latest datecodes to see if the problems have been addressed.


In Mfg Setup>Workcell on the Output tab, at the bottom there is a selection for Cutter Compensation. When you click on the arrow it will expand to show the selections for Output Cutter Position. There you can select Tool Center or Tool Edge, and their options.

Edited by: peterbrown77
You can order a complete set of manuals from the "INTERCIM" website. They are the creators of "G-post". Last I new, if you were a Proe user, the complete set cost only $75. A real smart investment.


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