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Setting up a 64-bit devlopment environmen


New member

Irecently got a 64 bit machine and I want to continue my projects that I had been developing on my older 32 bit machine. I set up my machine in accordance with the instructions provided by my instructor but I am getting an warning that is followed by a bunch of errors. I was told to add the line:


to the Property Page>C\C++>Command Line>Additional Options field. I get this error:

Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '/fp:precise'

Why is that?

and then I get these errors:

error C2040: 'calloc' : 'void *(size_t,size_t)' differs in levels of indirection from 'void *(size_t,size_t)'
TestAsync.c(328): error C2059: syntax error : 'string'
error C2371: 'free' : redefinition; different basic types

I wondered if the Command line warning has anything to do with the other errors. Oh and BTW I am running VisualC++ and I have installed the Platform SDK for Windows Server R2.

Any suggestions?

I solved the firstpart of my problem, and now I have some of the same errors and a few new onces.

I think that I might be pointed to the wrong cl.exe file.

In a 64-bit set up using Microsfot Visual C++ SP1, which cl.exe should I point to? Should it be the one in the Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2 or the one in my visual studio set up?

What the heck? Help?

All paths (Executable Files, Library Files, Include Files, etc...) should be pointing to the Platform SDK folder. You can check this by clicking Tools->Options->Projects->VC++ Directories. There will be a dropdown menu with each of the different location types. Below the drop down you will see a list of paths. Make sure that the Platform SDK paths are at the top.

(There is an example of this in your training manual)


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