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Selecting Reference Vertex


New member

I'm doing the tutorial for the servo cover thats at:

In part 1 at about 1/3 of the way through it (after he draws the top curve) He selects the right plane and creates a sketch, he then selects 2 vertex from the top curve to use for refrences.

I have tried everything and I cannot select anything except the axis....

I'm hoping someone can figure out what I could be doing wrong

Hi soljarag,
after selecting the right plane and openning a sketch, go to sketch->References. in the References dialog box,change the select combo box to: "All References". then you'll be able to select that vertex, and create reference for it.

*Edit: you don't need to change that combo works with the default option. you just need to zoom in, enough to select that vertex.

Edited by: solidworm
> you don't need to change that combo box.
> it works with the default option.
> you just need to zoom in, enough ...

Adding to...
1) Hold the cursor over the vertex, RMB, Pick from List.
2) You can also limit scope by setting the Smart Filter on
the Status Bar.

Help -> Fundamentals -> User Interface Basics is a worthwhile read.
thanks jeff, too much useful information is there! (fundamentals section)
sorry for my confusion soljarag.

Edited by: solidworm
I figured out why it wouldnt select it... he has his refrence box pop up automatically (and mine doesn't), so I didn't know you had to open the refrence box :)

you were right, I didn't need to change that option
Edited by: soljarag
ok.. something really wierd happend...

I finished the tutorial, and I just had a problem with the fillet so I was about to post a question with the solidworks file. so I looked in the folder and saw this:


So I opened the (I double clicked) and it looked like the top status bar was pulled all the way down, and I couldnt see my model.. so I closed that, and opened and it had an older version of the file.... So I closed that, and went to File>open (in pro/e) and it only showed one file to open... and when I opened that, it was in between the final model and the first file

Anyone know whats going on?

Here are the files..
Edited by: soljarag


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