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Selected items and drawing problem


New member
When I go to make a part and start to draw I am having a problem. For example, if I am drawing a circle I click once and when dragging the mouse it does not display the outline on the circle until you do the second click setting the size. This happens with lines too. Also once I eventually manage to do the drawing if I select a line with in the drawing it does not highlight it as selected. Please help as this is getting very fustrating!
software version?
hardware version?
video card version?
video software versoin?

basic settings?

need the basics...
Do you see a 0 dimension display as you are sketching? Deselect the enable onscreen input during entity creation as I've seen problems with this happening. Also try Click Click approach circles are not continuous or 1 by 1 based on whether you click drag or point click during sketch.

Check your System Options - General, Display settings for prehighlight options they may be turned off.


