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I have just found your website and I would like to see if there is an answer here to the old nutmeg of a problem !

Can you tell me how to save a file back to an old version of ProE. I currently use version2001 but we have another licence for 2000i2 which is not used. Can I save back to this format ?

Me too, Me too!!!! I would greatly appreciate if you could send me that pdf as well. Thanks a million in advance.

Dear eServ

It looks like you have the Holy grale of pdf.files

I too would very much like to have a copy of this file.

Would you please e-mail me it too.


Martin Kontze

([email protected])
Dear eServ

It looks like you have the Holy grale of pdf.files

I too would very much like to have a copy of this file.

Would you please e-mail me it too.


Martin Kontze

([email protected])
Hi guys! Every one needed this conversion in some time, that to be in very urgent, why the PTC don't' do the same for all.

Same problem I faced long back that time I have v20.0 file to be convert into v18.0. If anybody finds solution please do mail to me also at [email protected].


Holy cow!! It's too bad I can't just post the file somewhere. If I was collecting money for the file I would be a rich man. Just Kidding!!
The article on how to save to a previous version of Pro/E can be found at

The article, written by John Fawcett, addresses converting from 2001 to 2000i2. You'll need to register and log on (it's free) to access the article. The .pdf file was made from John's website, so instead of offering the .pdf file here, I'll post the the link here.



