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Rotating a part


New member

Probably a stupid question, but I have a model based on the standard PRT_CSYS_DEF coordinate system. I want to rotate this part (or redefine the coordinate system) so that the part is 90 degrees rotated arround the x-axis.

This model is automatically added as an electric part to a PCB during a IDF import. The PCB-importisusing the ECAD_DEFAULT coordinate system. Result is that the electrcal part is rotated 90 and thus lying on its side partly submerged in the PCB.

The model in question was a lot of work to generate (for me that is), so thats the reason for this question.

Any suggestions?

I am currently running Pro-E 2001............I am almost sure it should be the same in WF.

Try this, redefinesketch plane for 1st feature.

Feature; redefine; select first feature created; section; define;sketch plane; select new sketch plane (90deg) and direction; select (top/bot) plane or same ref;

at this point (not sure why) I had to delete all original dimesions and create new dimensions


Should work.....first time for some reason I had to Un-Align all (even though nothing was aligned.

Hope this is what you are trying to achieve.

TAKE FOOT.........INSERT IN MOUTH...........

I spoke too soon.......some of my parts it works on..others it does not

Sorry about that.I'll keep trying
Delete the Prt_csys_def and create a new one the way you want to orient it. (Rename your planes also if you wish,reorder them too, so it "looks right" in the part file if you wish, also you might want to change the view names.) I believe this should work for you.

Hi tdegroot,

I tried this before and it didn't work. I retried it today and it works perfectly. Thanks!



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