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Right way to model airplane, car, boat


New member
Ok I see that many ppl here are modeling cars, boats, and airplanes. I know that many of them are doing that just for their own pleasure, but I want to know which is the best way to create this kind of models.
My passion are airplanes so I got idea to create model of ww2 German airplane.

My first intent was to find somewhere on Internet real blueprints of all parts of the plane and then models all parts and assembled them to final model (well that went down when I realize that there aren't any free blueprints and it was hard enough to find any blueprint, and not whole ones to create complete replica of plane).

Then I realize that I can put images in surfaces and then draw curves over them to create geometry.
Now I'm asking you guys what is the best (easiest way) to create model either of airplane or car or boat. I have seen models of James and Cpiotorwski and I know that you guys know how to do it so I'm asking for tips on that field.
Edited by: Isair
I have used a few different methods to make different cars and from what I have found the best and fastest way to model somethig of that nature is surfacing through boundary blends. That is the method I am using to make the Mustang.
if you have front plane and side views of the model u want to draw. u
can do it in "style" pretty easily. You just plaster them pictures to
your datum planes useing "Trace sketch" feature. These pictures appear
see through. so u can sketch ur curves over all relevant geometry.
"Trace Sketch" is no doubtly theexcellent tool in ISDX. I use it to sketch many surface. But, the problem is,sometimes that it limits ourcreativity andnot all models (or surfaces) that we have their pictures totrace (These pics mustin a perfect view angle)

Just my opions
If you want complete control over your models I recommend using boundary surfaces but style also works well too. I persoanlly prefer the B.S.
the catch is with boundry style u have to define all curves exactly. <-- is exact

with style u place stuff anywhere u want. <-- is more on the fly

i dare say its best to use both.

when i make models using style i always make some underlying geometry that i can use for scaling.
Thanks for replay guys

This Nautilus model is great, did you do it Dougr?, so many details, with all interior, this was something that I was thinking to achieve with my model of plane - complete 3D virtual replica.
So using style and boundary is the best way to do it, I think that will try with combination of both like puppet said, but then this is the first time I'm doing something like this so I will must explore what suits me best.
Is it possible to use Trace Sketch in regular modeling (well I do have ISDX), or do I must create surfaces and then using appearance, and color texture/decal to plaster pictures on which will draw curves?
Here is example of blueprints I have found (tough not the plane I'm planing to model), do you think thats enough information to model it?
View attachment 1183
Anyone would like to add something else about this topic?
I hope that there is some more tips and tricks about it and I would like to read it, so I wouldn't lose to many time going around searching for options or in worse scenario make a half model in wrong way.

So please more tips
I am thinking of modelling a motorhome and was wondering what the best form of attack is for assembling such a huge model i.e do i need to use a skeleton etc the NAUTILUS is absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Isair, looks like a nice project..

I Think that a combination of ISDX and standard prosurface techniques would be the way to go.

maybe for the main section of the plane, leave out the glass cocpit initially, then add it in at as a seperate feature later.. it should help with making the tangent connections.. when sketching the cross sections also, try to keep the same number of segments in each sketch. you should be able to get them all by simply using 2 conic sections with a tangent connection to each other. if that makes sence..

also, another option you could look at would be to usethese sketches as a guide.. put them in to "Claim the space" maybe even put a rough surface over them. then without referencing them, build new curves including cross curves which closley approximate theis surface but you should only need abuot half the profiles , this way it's easier to tune out the bumps.

anyway.. good luck with it!


Ok I am just in a process of
creating expertise for a possible job

That will be making a model of a
Porche speedster (replica) very similar to this (exactly the same)

I think that
in these topic something, which is most important, and everybody forget to
write about is for what is model mainly intended
Once again thanks guys for replay

Paul I think that using skeletons is the right way for something like this, also you have bigger control over model when you use skeletons.

James thanks for yours tips and suggestions now I only must put my mouse in hand and get job done
(huh that will take some time).

Spelling now you got nice job for modeling your car, and a lot of work
Well my intent was only to create Pro/E model of plane in 1:72 scale, only to ave it in virtual world, nothing for manufacturing it. But then when you got virtual model you can create many products out of it, for example you can create plasticor woodmodel kits, toys, and even something like you Seplling are doing.
But now I was thinking to go one step further, does anyone knows something about creating replicas of planes (in that I mean to create full copy of plane to be authentic, which willbe able to flay, and have the same performance like the original), are there laws about that, do I must first ask if I may create one, etc.?
I was thinking that would be a lot of problems from law if I ever will go to manufacturing replica of plane (and a lot of money I will need), but that was just a thought, and I needed all information before I will do something like that.
But I will create virtual model of plane, or even virtual replica (if I found right blueprints), then I will see what will I do next or not to do.
Yes you are right Spelling that it better to model in 1:1, rather to model in 1:72 I will need to make adjustments on that.
I don't agree with this.... "the catch is with boundry style u have to define all curves exactly."

you can create the curves with style features, then use boundry surfaces and pick on the curves to close them up as surfaces. best of both worlds.
Dougr wow nice, P-51 Mustang, can you upload some high resolution images? so we can see it at close

Also I read that you planing to create whole Mustang (with all parts if I understand correctly), with engine so I was wondering where did you get blueprints for that all? did you buy them or simply find them over the Internet?
Then can you tell me where is possible to buy or to find such a blueprints, or do you have maybe more of them for different planes?
Also a question:are today production of P-51 replicas or is that only a custom made? (because I found all over net that people have "new" mustangs so I was wondering are they custom made or produced).

Once again thanks for advices, now I just must start to work
Buy a book about something you want to create where you
have lots of technical data and start doing something

You have lots of blueprints about Mustang
You are right, here is a lot of talk and no work I must start modeling

I was thinking of creating model of Me-262, or maybe Me-109, and I spend a lot of hours on net searching for their blueprints, closes thing I found was only few blueprints (like this one I posted here) with Front, Top, Right and sections of plane, the real blueprints with all parts I haven't seen nowhere, and even books with that informations is hard to find (hm but then maybe I didn't search enough). Only idea I have is that museums have access to such blueprints, or maybe some manufactures of plane replica, and they are not selling them (or if they sell price is to high).

And yes I have seen Bismarck that James have modeled and I was impress, and that moment when I seen it has given me a bust for start creating model of my plane.

