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Revolve: Axis-of-rotation outside sketch


New member
Hi all

I need to create a revolve in which the axis-of-rotation lies OUTSIDE
the sketch plane. This is not about an internal vs. external axis of
rotation but an axis of rotation that truely lies outside the sketch

I simply cant figure out how to do this in proe wildfire 2.0

Any assitance would be GREATLY appreciated
I think you'll need to create your sketch profile as a datum curve. Then project that curve onto a datum plane that passes through the rotation axis. Use that projected curve as the rotated sketch.

Create the revolve as normal, including sketch. Then in the dashboard, open the placement menu, and you will find an option for axis. Select your axis & you're done.
I think robertlib's idea will work as long as the new axis of rotation lies on your original sketching plane. When I try it here, any axis out of that plane can not be selected. Other in-plane axes, however work fine (although I think your intentions are otherwise based on the question)...
Can you createa sketch (datum) planethat contains both the axis-of-rotation and the appropriate reference features you need for the sketch?
Hello everyone,

Thanks for the responses so far. None of the sugegstions so far have worked.

I have created a very simple illustration of the problem I'm facing:

The model has two components:

An axis alligned with the coordinate Z axis

An offset plane DTM 1 containing a simple curve.

What I want to do is rotate the curve using axis A_1 as the axis of rotation this would then create a particular surface/solid.

Clearly this surface/solid can be created in space but I simply cant figure out a way to create it.

None of the suggestions so far would create thhe surface/solid I need.

Any more suggestions?

Edited by: HelterSkelter
I tried and couldn't get it to work either - Pro/E should be able to do this but... If it were me, I'd move one or the other to get them into the same plane. If that gives you the wrong part form, calculate the shape of the form when it's in the same plane as the axis and rotate that shape.

Can you post theform your trying to create?
burnsp said:
If it were me, I'd move one or the other to get them into the same plane.

They simply cant be in the same plane in order to create the required form.

burnsp said:
If that gives you the wrong part form, calculate the shape of the
form when it's in the same plane as the axis and rotate that

That is what Brian_Adkins suggested. Unfortunately it doesnt work.

Im trying to create the shape I illustated in the image link.
It appears the final form is a ball with flat ends that transforms from convex to concave around the equator. Could you do the same withsimple revolve solid andrevolve cuts. The current curve defines the convex and concave form on each side of the axis (180
Just to illustrate that the "project onto a plane method" doesnt work: g

Light blue: Curve Im trying to rotate around the Z axis.

Dark blue curve: Light blue curve projected onto DTM2.

Surface: Dark blue curve revolved around Z axis.

Note that the light blue curve does not lie within the suface showing that the surface geometry is incorrect.

Also note that my choice of DTM2 is completely arbitrary and that its
location directly indicates the form of the revolved surface again
proving the surface geomtry is incorrect.


Edited by: HelterSkelter
Here is what I tried... It's not perfect...

1. Start with curve out of plan from desired rotation axis:
(curve is planar and parallel to XZ)

View attachment 1043

2. Make two sketched circles centered on rotation axis and passing through tips of curve

3. Axially pattern the curve 30-degrees

4. Trim the circular curves at the points of curve intersections

View attachment 1044

3. Create a bourdary surface using orignal curve and patterned copy in one direction and trimmed circular arcs in the other

View attachment 1045

4. Pattern the resulting surface 12 times @ 30 degrees using an axis pattern

View attachment 1046
Edited by: Brian_Adkins
What do you want thecurve to do as it rotates around the Z axis?Should it remain parallel and directional with it's plane or does it rotate about it's own axis as shown in the images from Mr. Adkins.
Brian_Adkins said:
Here is what I tried... It's not perfect...<Snip>

Yes! This is what I need. As you say its not perfect but it's almost
what I need. I think this approach will simply have to do for the


I'm still rather baffled that proe cant do this properly with a true
revolve. I would have thought that would be basic required

I actually need to create a revolved solid rather than just a surface.
Can proe connected two offset sufaces to make a solid? I suppose some
sort of sweep would do it. I have to ask given my bad experiances with
the first problem :D
burnsp said:
What do you want thecurve to do as it rotates
around the Z axis?Should it remain parallel and directional
with it's plane or does it rotate about it's own axis as shown in the
images from Mr. Adkins.

The curve remains within its own plane but the plane rotates sweeping
out a surface. And I will only sweep about 30-60* of the curve rather
than 360*.

Edited by: HelterSkelter
If you do a Sweep using your Out of Plane Curve as the trajectory anda circle for the cross-section you will get a surface or a solid that is what you are looking for. If you want sections, you can just trim it as you want.
Sorry, meant to say Variable Section Sweep, and you need to indicate a Constant Normal Direction under the Reference Tab
Hai HelterShelter,

Do'nt Loose hope,

Check out if this is what is you wanted,

>first thing is that a sketch cannot be revolved around an axis that does not

lie on the same sketching plane (as you will not be able to select the axis)

>what you can do is try some other options that will give you the same accurate profile when this curve is revolve,

>here, what I have done is Patterned the curve around the axis(which is on a different plane)

>Create circle at ends with centre as the axis

>Create surface by Boundary blend,

For your reference I am attaching the model (This is done in WF2)


I think this will be OK


Edited by: premak

Have you tried simply creating 2 new datum plane based of the axis. Use the one that is normal to your datum curve as your base datum to sketch the revolution and the axis to revolve to section.

thanks John

