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Reroute components in an assembly

Indeed this is a wish list, a great one.

Assembly structure is different from part structure and most of the time it is meaningless to think of rerouting assembly components. In bottom up design you need to change assembly constaint references for a successful rerouting.

In top down design you need to change the relations or skeleton structure.

You can reroute components. However it is now called edit references instead of reroute

I can't work out why PTC keep on changing things that aren't broken.
You can, but not thought the 'Quickfix' route. You need to 'fix model' > 'component' > reroute. However you can only rerout the assembly referecnes and not the component references. To do this you need to redefine the component placement.

Hope this helps,

If you think about it, rerouting a failed component is a full fix.

Quick Fixes can be categorized as temporary work-arounds e.g.


Clip Suppress


Find Model


none of these actually fix the core problem, they just make the model more manageable in the failed condition.

