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I'm trying to change the nam eof the .prt file associated to a particular drawing, but the drawing fails to open, because it doesn't recognize the new name. How can I change the name so that the drawing recognizes it?
Config option rename_drawings_with_object and its value both will solve your problems.
Just open the part or assembly that have associated drawing (unfortunately the name of drawing must be the same as object) and then save copy of that object.
Is there an alternate text similar to rename_drawings_with_objects to enter into config to rename parts in assemblies also? Without actually opening all of the assemblies as well. Right now we have to do a where used in Pro, and then open all related assemblies, then rename in session.
If I am not mistaken, you can do a copy in Intralink. The method for this is: hilight the files you want copied, pick file then copy, in the next window change the name in the right hand column to what you want, click ok and you're done. I think that this will also maintain any relationships between the parts, assemblies and drawings; I don't know for sure because I have used this method for copying parts only.
Actually, the way to do it in Intralink is to select the part and drawing, or assembly and drawing, highlight them, and select duplicate objects. This will bring up a window, highlight the prt and drw and then in the box below, in the from section type the name of the part with a .* extension(example: 123456.*). Then in the to box, change it to whatever you want with a .* extension (example: xxxxxx.*). This will copy the part and drawing, and the part will be associated to the drawing.
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