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Reference or Class Suggestions for Pro E


New member
I am using the student version of Pro E because that is all the lab in my university can afford. I am having trouble doing what I think should be relatively simple. Where are the courses taught and how much are they? If there was someone who could give me personal help, my project would move a lot faster. If these courses are too expensive, does anyone know of good reference books that give short examples of the different features of Pro E?
i saw another person's message and realized how expensive the classes are..... does anyone know of a good reference book?
Pro/Engineer Tutorial by Roger Toogood @ has several books out that are very helpful. My question back is if you are using this at a university, why doesn't the university supply the documentation to operate the software?
my professor is new to this university and doesn't have that much funding. when she bought the student version for me to work with, the only thing it came with is the online tutorial from Roger Toogood. it was good for me to learn the basics from, but there are still things i need to do with pro e that it doesn't teach me how to do. do you recommend getting the advanced tutorials from toogood?
Cadtrain makes the primer (tutorial) that you can request from PTC when you buy Pro/E. Don't know if it works with the Student edition.

Check out Kinevision and see what they may have, they have some pretty good video tips. I believe they are the sponsor for this website.

The PTC course was around $1850 or so for the week long course.

I'm in exactly the same boat my friend. Except my tutor goes to these course but is still useless.

I am mostly self tought and have a load of tutorials on most subjects or whereabouts to get tutorials for free.

Drop me you email and I'll send you a zipped file with all the tutorial websites i have.
I also forgot that PTC University has a year of Training for $1800 a person, they are all online classes. Echoing the same feeling, not sure how much they cut out in the student build so some things might not be there.

