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Race car nosecone anyone?


New member

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This picture is a monocoque for a racing car which is a work in progress. As you can see the nosecone is not quite there because I can't work out how to put a nice curved 'cap' on the end which would look nice. Clearly the nosecone would not be axisymmetric so a revolved protrusion is out. I've thought a about var sec sweeps but you cant sweep to a point. Also, i've tried a blend vertex and then used rounds but it just doesn't fit the bill.

Can anyone suggest a method to create this piece?

I'm using 2001 student ed. and the monocoque you see is a swept blend thin protrusion. i'd prefer not to have to use surfaces for the nosecone, mainly because i've never used surfaces before.
Create a datum curve representing what you would like to see at the centerline of the part. Create a surface using ADVANCED/BOUNDARIES. Select the curve on centerline as your first boundary, select one half of the front cone you presently have showing as your second boundary. Note you will have to trim while selecting your second curve back to centerline. After selecting your curves (2 total in one direction), you will have to go into Boundary Conditions and make the first boundary normal and the second boundary tangent.

If this is too difficult to understand, I can create a part to simulate your part.
Thanks guys,

donha, i an example part would be great to look at. I've tried your method as you can see below. There's two surfaces here, a top and bottom (roughly). By the way, I didn't have to modify the boundary controls to obtain this - just left them as free.

The problem I face though is that the curves on the centrelines are sketched conic arcs. It's obviously easy to obtain tangency at the front apex (through the constraint in sketcher), but hard to maintain this at the root of the cone.
Here is a sample. There are suppressed surfaces which show what happens when boundary conditions are not chosen. For the sampe part, I had to use control points also.

One more item of importance. When choosing curves, do not choose the datum curves, choose the surfaces. The reason is Pro/E will make the new surface normal/tangent to the curves and you want be tangent to the surface. In order to choose the surface edges, you will have to change from curve to chain in the Select Item pull down menu.


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