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Product View Express viewing size - how to change?


New member

First post - go easy....

Just loaded Product View Express and I know I read somewhere that you can increase the viewing sieze within Explorer, but I can't find it now. I have searched all the PTC info and have given up. Can anyone tell me how to do it? Running Win NT, Pro 2000i2.

Also, is it possible to change one component within an assembly to wireframe, while retaining shaded viewing on the rest? We work on large trucks and need to be able to show customers the insides... is it possible?


You can get a mixture of shaded and wireframe view by utilizing component display . In assembly mode access View-Model Setup-Component Display. Next create a component display state. You can assign any component to be shaded or wireframe or hidden line ect.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I meant within Product View Express, again. I use component display all the time for the same reasons as I would now like to.

The best I have come up with is to modify the colour of the particular part to nearly transparent. The PTC webiste clearly shows a plane with a mixture though...

These variables are your Windows system variables. Located under Control Panel - System - Environment Variables. Just add these statements in the System variables window.

Hope this helps.
My memory is shakey but I believe for Win 98 you edit either the autoexec.bat or config.sys files (Ithink it's config.sys but I'm not 100% positive). Add these two lines:


Hope that helps!


