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Pro mechanica Results Window


New member
When, starting with a Pro-Engineer model, I want to watch the results of FEM Analisys (Pro-Mechanica installed on my system), the program show me the following message: The results output directory for the study Name_of_the_studi has not been unlocked for access. Please try again after the job has progressed further. Use th Run command to check the run's status. Can someone help me. P.S. Excuse me for my English.
I think what you're looking for will be under the summary and log buttons in the run window. After you press these buttons you will be able to watch the processes of the analysis as they happen.

Gregp is correct. The only thing that can be monitored while Mechanica is still perfoming an analysis is the summary and log. The summary file will display run complete. After the run is complete, then you can create a results window to view important areas and information. The summary window is caled the report in windows explorer and can be opened in word.
i run a study but the log and summary windoes are emtpy. no error message appears.

do you have an idea what's wrong?
Possibly the permissions to the directory you are running the analysis in are not open. Make sure you have full control of these directories.
After selecting the run option to start the analysis, wait a few minutes before selecting the log and summary options. You might be selecting those two option to quickly before and test data is started.
Yes, what's going on is that the analysis is in progress. As everyone has mentioned, you need to monitor the log and summary files and wait for the analysis to complete. Sometimes, however, if the analysis completes with a failure, the results will remain locked. With a multipass analysis that completes with a failure can still be used to view results of the last complete pass that was run. But if the results don't get unlocked, you can't do this. You can unlock these results by removing a lock file (I don't remember the exact name of the file, but it has to do with lock). Just remember that these results will most likely be from an analysis that completed with a failure and so they will likely be unconverged.
ok, I have full permissions on the directory (read/write/execute).

after i press run the pro/e log shows this:

Saving model ...

The current model D:\Temp\test has been saved.

Processing model TEST ...

100% has been completed.

Creating MNF file .\Analysis1\Analysis1.mnf.

Initializing:part 1 of 1

Processing part 1 of 1: 80 percent completed.

MNF file .\Analysis1\Analysis1.mnf created.

Processing model TEST ...

100% has been completed.

TEST has been saved.

Processing model TEST ...

100% has been completed.

Processing model TEST ...

100% has been completed.

TEST has been saved.

Processing model TEST ...

100% has been completed.

Importing material STEEL from part TEST.

The design study has started.

the cpu did nothing .... 0% utilization

i also wait 4 minutes an then select the log / summary window.

possible a license problem?

but i never see an error message.

do you where i can get an file that procude a result to test my system?


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