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Pro/Manufacturing Pro/Process


New member
What are the differances?

I just started a new job using Pro/E. I have been using Pro/E since 1999 and have logged thousands of hours. I only used Pro/Manufacturing about 4 years ago for only 3 months but now I need to know it well. I cannot find much info about this topic on the net, what is a good book to get me up to speed in a hurry?


I did once buy a book (by Lamit?) on Pro/NC. It was so basic though, that if you had any experience with NC it didn't help you much. I sent it back.

Do you have the documentation that came on CD? There is an 800 page PDF file on it which is a good reference guide if not a real tutorial.

there are 2 types or pro/process 1 for assemblies and 1 for manufacturing. pro/process is a way to document the assembly setp and disassembly step for pro/process for assembly. it can use simplified reps exploded states ect. in the pro/process for manucafuring it allows you to display on a drawing your tooling, fixtures, toolpaths in a step by step process.

Try this (out of help files), you have to be in Process Manager.

View attachment 2072
<H1>To Reorder Steps</H1>
Use the Cut and Paste functionality to change the order of the steps in the process. You must be in the Process view (

  1. <LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered>
    Select the step or steps that you want to reorder. To select multiple steps, use the SHIFT or CTRL keys while selecting the steps. The steps must be consecutive, that is, immediately follow each other in the Process view.</LI>

  1. <LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered>
    In the Process Table menu bar, click Edit > Cut. Pro/NC removes the selected step from the Process Table and places it on the Clipboard. The limits of its possible insertion in the Process Table (the top and bottom lines) are highlighted in red. If there is no lower limit, you can append the step at the end of the table, as well as insert it anywhere below the top limit line.
    <LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered>
    Highlight the line after which you want to insert the selected step and click Edit > Paste. This line must be within the insertion limits, and can represent another step, an operation, or a fixture. Pro/NC inserts the step from the Clipboard at the new location, below the selected line. </LI>
<LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Subbulleted>
You can also use a drag-and-drop operation to reorder steps. Select either a single step or multiple steps.
<LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Subbulleted>
If you were planning to reorder the step to a location outside the insertion limits, you can click Edit > Undo Cut to restore the steps in the original location in the Process Table.</LI>[/list]

  1. <LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered>
    To restore the steps to the previous location in the Process Table, click Edit > Undo Cut.</LI>
You might have dependencies that will not let you reorder the step that far (lower limit).
<H1>Reordering and Duplicating Steps</H1>
You can reorder and duplicate steps in the Process Table:
<LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Bulleted>
Use Cut (
) and Paste (
) or a drag-and-drop operation to reorder steps.
<LI =kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Bulleted>
Use Copy (
) and Paste (
) to duplicate steps.</LI>[/list]
For Cut or Copy, you can select either a single step, or multiple consecutive steps.
After you cut or copy a step, its limits of insertion are highlighted in red. These limits are based on step dependencies and other requirements. The top limit represents the first line after which you can insert the step. The lower limit, if it exists, represents the first line that must come after the step in the process sequence. The last line you can select for insertion is the line immediately above the lower limit.
After cutting a step, you can insert it back in the original location by using the Edit > Undo Cut command.
These kinds of step manipulations are available only in the Process view.


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